Is Scale-up Systems the same company as METTLER TOLEDO?

As of Friday, October 1st, 2021 Scale-up Systems has become part of the METTLER TOLEDO Group. Our organization will join the METTLER TOLEDO AutoChem business that is serving many of the same customers in the pharmaceutical industry. We are excited about the opportunities this important step in our company history presents.

The combination of our widely used Scale-up Suite™ process development and scale-up software with METTLER TOLEDO's market-leading products and services for biological and chemical process development creates the most comprehensive offerings for these important applications in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry.

We are committed to continuing to deliver the excellent products and customer support that our customers have come to expect from Scale-up Systems and look forward to adding the global strengths of METTLER TOLEDO.

Scale-up of Batch Crystallization From Lab to Plant

Batch Crystallizer Scale-Up and Design

Improve Process Development, Optimization, and Scale-up With Real-Time Crystal Population Measurement

Sikker, uovervåget dosering i kemisk udvikling og opskalering

Sikker, uovervåget dosering i kemisk udvikling og opskalering

Automatiser dosering og udfør meget eksoterme reaktioner uden opsyn

Lubrizol - procesudvikling og opskalering

Lubrizols effektive opskalerings- og proceskontrol

At bygge bro mellem laboratorie- og In Situ-procesanalyse

Effektive Design of Experiment-undersøgelser

Effektive Design of Experiment-undersøgelser

DoE til innovativ kemisk udvikling i laboratoriet